Building Awareness, Accountability and Assistance for People Exposed to US Military Contamination
Civilian Exposure is a fully tax-exempt, non-profit news and outreach organization. Our writing and research is made possible through reader support.
The Problem
Media outlets only report on what’s new with any given topic. The old saying “if it bleeds, it leads” still holds true today. Reporters don’t profile bases. They don’t profile the families and their suffering. They don’t profile the health issues from exposure. They don’t profile or track new policies. They don’t do any of this on a consistent frequency that keeps the conversation moving and impactful.
Random advocacy groups are strewn across the nation, disorganized, disjointed, and not web or news savvy. We seek to create one big tent of information for all base contamination issues. We provide a hub for those exposed, the general public and other media outlets that is organized, efficient, and effective.
Our Solution
We are a non-profit news organization providing investigative reporting on toxic chemicals, health conditions, and environmental policy challenges for base communities nationwide. Launched in late 2013, Civilian Exposure has steadily grown and evolved into what it is today – a budding nonprofit news organization dedicated to coverage of toxic military contamination at bases and base communities around the country. We are dedicated to shedding light on the extent of military contamination, as well as the generational health impacts to all people exposed. Our work honors and serves our nation’s military veterans and civilian DOD personnel working aboard US military installations, along with their families and children, in need of critical information about exposures.
We continue to build a talented board of advisers and journalists dedicated to the mission. Civilian Exposure benefits from a driven founder directly impacted by military contamination, with a clear mission and vision.
To expose abuses of power, betrayals of the public trust, and overall negligence by government agencies and the military, using the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through the sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing and harm due to toxic military contamination.
We are rapidly becoming the leading nonprofit news organization for toxic military contamination coverage nationwide. We want to be the go-to hub for readers from any base community and intend to be a research, data and content source for all other media outlets on our niche topic.
Summary of Driving Issue/Background:
Evidence shows that the contamination of the water supply aboard Camp Lejeune, NC went on for over 40 years, and so did the cover-up. Responsibility for the results of this contamination has yet to be claimed by the government or appropriate parties. Further evidence and reporting from around the country reveals a systemic problem of contamination aboard a majority of military bases, affecting the health of those living on base or nearby in associated communities. The fight continues to help ALL people impacted by this contamination to receive the knowledge, assistance and justice that they both need and deserve.
What Our Readers Are Saying
- “You’re giving us all a voice by giving us the opportunity to be able to tell our stories and have them published for everyone to read about! Thank you, Gavin!” – CJ
- “Just wanted to hank you for continuing for Following up on the Ft. McClellan contamination issues.” – TW
- “I am so grateful for the Civilian Exposure newsletters. Bless you for all of your efforts!” – JL
- “It’s only because of all the great reporting and information on your site that I was able to get my VA claim approved. Thank you for what you do.” – DM
- “I continue to be grateful to you for providing a platform for my plight (and others) to be heard. I can only imagine the work it must require to maintain your organization and website.” – PM
- “Good information about Superfund sites.” – TL
- “Important platform for sharing personal stories and issues about contamination and exposure from Military Bases. I’m grateful for the work you do in raising awareness of chemically exposed populations. We will not stay silent!” – MS
Note from the Founder:
I’m Gavin P. Smith. Acute Leukemia (AML) took the life of my father in June, 2008. Based on the evidence available from civilian mortality studies and my own personal research and involvement in various panels on the issue, my father’s leukemia came from over four decades of exposure to Benzene, TCE, PCE, Vinyl Chloride and other toxins that contaminated base water supplies aboard Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC. My father, a Korean Army Veteran, worked as a civilian Dept. of Defense employee on the base for 25 years from 1973-1998. It is because of his loss to this chemical catastrophe that I’ve built this effort.
I simply felt the need to do something and take action.
Yet, I quickly discovered that this problem goes far beyond Camp Lejeune. There are scores of military bases with contamination issues today, both at home and abroad.
Please help Civilian Exposure in our efforts to bring awareness, accountability and assistance to ALL people exposed to Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Contamination, as well as to all contaminated US military base communities. By shedding further light on these issues, we hope to educate all who were exposed so that they can seek the proper help and guidance required.
Please feel free to browse this site for information and to find out how you can support our efforts!
Thank you in advance for your support.