One of our subscribers/followers posed an interesting question at one of the recent Camp Lejeune contamination meetings that stuck out in our minds. Their question was intriguing. Does this contamination impact DNA, and if so, could that damage cause issues for generations to follow?
As luck would have it, one of our advisers passed along a research article from Thomas M. Saunders, B.A. /B.S. Certified Linguist. Mr. Saunders is an independent writer-researcher who has been working on Anthropogenic Climate Change and Fracking issues since 2012.
“I started by asking why people that lived near fracking operations were getting sick with the same medical problems as Agent Orange victims,” said Saunders. “The short answer is both sets of victims are being contaminated with the same types of Environmental Toxins.”
While his article is directed to Oklahoma officials and is mainly concerned with climate and environmental impacts from contamination and sources such as fracking, what really stands out is his information describing DNA damage from chemical contamination and the multi-generational transfer that follows.
Here’s the excerpt, with a summary to follow:
The Effect of Critical Contamination of the Human Gene Pool:
We may already have passed the tipping point in the micro environment to avoid mass critical contamination of populations from Environmental Toxins.
Critical contamination from a biological, chemical, or radioactive environmental toxin is when exposure causes a definable medical condition. There is no rational argument that human critical contamination from Environmental Toxins, like EDCs (Endocrine Disruption Chemicals), are caused by anything “other than from man-made sources.”
Teratogenic toxins like Agent Orange (Endocrine Disruption Chemicals/EDCs) create a victim likely to pass on mutation and defects to a fetus. These severe birth defects are transgenerational and are known to increase in severity from one generation to another. (See; Mekong Syndrome)
There are already “ground zero” areas where teratogenic EDC and critical radioactive contamination of certain populations has taken place. These places/populations include the Russian Polygon, the Mekong Delta, Fukushima, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki Japan, Denton Texas, and American Agent Orange victims from the Viet Nam War.
“The Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism” has published a report by a number of leading experts who say there is a 99% possibility that exposure to Endocrine Disruption Chemicals (EDCs) will cause a health problem, i.e. Critical Contamination.
Recent research by Linda Birnbaum of the National Institute of Health reveals that contaminations from large doses of EDC’s does not always cause the damage of low doses. Endocrine-disruption chemicals are non-monotonic meaning the response to EDCs does not necessarily intensify or diminish based upon the dose. Birnbaum’s research showed that low doses of endocrine disruptors can cause critical contamination (the causing a medical effect), and can even cause more dramatic disruptions than higher doses.
EDCs are known to cause breast and prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, thyroid diseases, and diabetes. EDCs are a direct cause of chromosomal damage, infertility, (Mekong Syndrome), asthma, obesity, strokes, heart disease, chloracne, peripheral neuropathy, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s, Autism, and Parkinson’s diseases. The teratogenic related birth defects from critical EDC or radiation contamination include missing organs, missing bones, extra limbs, enlarged hearts, and various forms of mental retardation. There are other less commonly known conditions from critical contamination from endocrine disruptors.
According to Saunders, certain evidence out there that may indicate that exposures to certain chemicals/EDCs can, indeed, cause DNA impacts that manifest in future generations. Is this the case for Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination and exposure to chemicals such as Benzene, TCE, PCE and Vinyl Chloride over 30+ years? We need to find out. In the case of Lejeune contamination, I have a feeling that we may find out, alright, whether we want to or not.
We’ll keep digging into this aspect and keep you informed of what else we can find.
If you’re interested in the full article from Saunders, you can find it here.
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Question, can this contamination cause a human organ not on list of Camp Lejeune develop a Tomour do to DNA changes to a cell or gene, example Tomour in Pancreas.
Thanks for the note. I also thank you for your recent comment on the website regarding the DNA story – I’m working on tracking down some more information on this to figure out what connections there are in terms of DNA impact. It’s taking a bit of time but will keep you posted. We’ll also post up more information on the website and in our newsletter as soon as we have it. – GS
[…] Civilian Exposure: Can Contamination Pose Multi-Generational Concerns Via DNA Damage? […]
[…] offspring if she were not yet pregnant with them. His answer was astounding to me. He stated that toxins like this can wrap around DNA and be transferred into offspring. This answer would send me on a nine-year journey. One that I have not yet completed with two years […]
Hi my name is Daniel my father was stationed in camp lejeune in the 70s and was exposed to the contaminated waters and burn pits . He was diagnosed with mutliplasic adult leukemia and had to have a bone marrow transplant . I belive that is mutated his DNA and which he passed it on to me. I was born sickly child had severe emotional problems as a child I couldn’t control my emotions and rage in school then as I got older I’ve had multiple strange disorders that Dr’s say i was way to young to have I had 2 heart attacks at 34. Diagnosed with barrets esophagus at 36 Severe fatigue continuous chronic pain through out my body. Fibromyalgia like symptoms . Weird red blood cell disorder where I create to many red blood cells. Diagnosed with stage 2 non alcoholic liver disease in 2021,hypoapnea 2021 which after I had j+j vaccine it exacerbated these symptoms and has continued to make my symptoms worse. And I’m only 44 the red blood cell disorder is polycythemia Vera which is basically a adult leukemia disorder and I know this is all connected from camp lejeune and my dad but have no proof and doctors don’t want to make the connections I have a sister and brother they are half siblings different fathers and they have no issues. We all ate the same food live in the same house as kids so it’s not environmentally connected. This has destroyed my life. I just want to put this out there. The v.a doctors said there’s no connection I believe there just looking threw blinders and not wanting this to get out and how many more family’s have been effected by this.!!! I don’t know what to do about any of this you try to tell anyone they think your hypochondriac but all these symptoms are documented and my dad doesn’t have any of these issues besides the bone marrow adult leukemia. Idk I just hope this makes some sense I hope everyone good health and God bless.
Your story sounds just like me. Sick my whole life. Stage 4 melanoma at 26 and two rare immune deficiency’s I just got diagnosed in 2019 with. Born on toxic base and lived on them my whole life. 6 brothers and sisters all have weird cancers etc at young ages. Battling our whole lives. Infections, mental problems I was so hyper and couldn’t stop. I had problems in school.
And I loved school too. I am overwhelmed with what to do. But I have just discovered all of this toxic stuff that affected us. Many docs said our family had to be exposed to something. Let me know how you’re doing and if you hear of anything that can help expedite this. Prayers are with you.