We’re pleased to report that the CAP was honored with the presence of CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden and new ATSDR Director Dr. Patrick Breysse. Both expressed their sincere support and enthusiasm for the very important work regarding Camp Lejeune water contamination. We welcome their enthusiasm to continue the work of the CAP, strengthen and enhance scientific research, and communicate a more cohesive message at a greater frequency both to the public and to all relevant federal agencies.
For those that could not attend in person or view the live stream, the full video recording of the most recent CDC/ATSDR Camp Lejeune Community Assistance Panel in Atlanta is now posted below. Click to watch the full video recording of the meeting:
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I was stationed at Camp Lejeune and was exposed to the toxins, I’ve had Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma’s surgically removed as a result. Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma is caused by exposure to agent orange. Why haven’t these veterans been informed that they have also been exposed to agent orange on camp lejeune base, during the contaminated water period? Why haven’t agent orange been listed to reflect the true nature of the chemicals found on camp lejeune? No one address this issue at the last cap meeting, held in North Carolina. This is the secret the Department Of The Navy is attempting to suppress.
Thank you for sharing your comment and story. Can you provide more specifics regarding your knowledge of agent orange on the base, during this same period as contaminated water? Studies show PCE, TCE, Vinyl Chloride and Benzene in the water supply. I’d like to learn more about Agent Orange, it’s specific uses/storage/etc. (beyond just theaters of war). All of this mess appears to be intertwined. So many communities at bases have so many issues. The common thread always seems to be the lack of proactive safeguards and initiatives for the protection of service member and civilian worker health. Please feel free to email me more details directly by using this link: http://www.civilianexposure.org/share-your-story-with-us/.
Do you have any information regarding agent orange discovered at Courthouse Bay around 2013? And if it was found out there, what benefits are for those who found and dug the drum up entitled to?
Hi Dan, we have not heard about this before, but we’ll certainly look into it. If you have more information on this, including what was found, removed, etc., we’d like to know. – GS