In the past 30 days, Gavin launched a FOIA request on behalf of civilians of Camp Lejeune to gain insights into the claims process, operations and data for those seeking civilian DOD worker claims for Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination. While many are focused on the process for veterans regarding the VA, the civilian workforce must make their claims through a different agency, the US Department of Labor/Department of Defense Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) and the Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC).
It’s time to shed the spotlight on these agencies to determine what is being done for civilian DOD workers, such as cooks, firefighters, maintenance personnel and other non-military staff aboard Camp Lejeune.
The following is the complete request. The request is currently under appeal for fee waiver and we hope to succeed in that request and begin receiving released documents within the next 30 days.
FOIA Coordinator
US Department of Labor / DOD
Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP)
U. S. Department of Labor – OWCP
Room S-3524
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20210
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request
Dear FOIA Coordinator:
This is a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act. I request that a copy of the following documents be provided to me:
1. ANY and ALL documents regarding CLAIMS PROCESS, INTERNAL TRAINING, EXTERNAL MARKETING and OVERALL STATISTICS ON CLAIMS regarding Camp Lejeune, NC and specifically Camp Lejeune water/soil contamination issue.
2. In regard to “claims process” and “internal training”, please provide any PowerPoint presentations, memos, or general documents that discuss Camp Lejeune claims by civilian DOD workers and how those claims are to be addressed.
3. In regard to “external marketing”, please provide all press releases, news releases, direct mail, pamphlets, PSAs, print materials, ad copy, notification letters, etc.
4. In regard to “overall statistics”, please provide detailed information on total number of claims processed, types of health concerns involved, number accepted, number rejected and any other relevant stats developed.
- Subject: Camp Lejeune (re:
- Office or Program that maintains the information: U.S. Dept. of Labor, OWCP, DFEC
- Location of documents: U.S. Dept. of Labor, OWCP, DFEC
- Time documents were probably created: All documents generated since 1987 to present day.
- Fee information (see below):
In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am an individual seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use. I also request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. I serve as the head of a non-profit that helps civilian DOD workers understand claims and guidance regarding Camp Lejeune contamination and their health. I also serve with the CDC/ATSDR in Atlanta on a panel on behalf Camp Lejeune workers impacted.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Gavin P. Smith
Founder/President – Civilian Exposure
Member 2014/2015 – CDC/ATSDR Camp Lejeune Community Assistance Panel
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Did you ever receive any information about Civilian
Workers Compensation Claims under FOIA?
Hi Dean,
We have yet to hear back from our FOIA request. A follow-up inquiry went out today. They have identified in their initial assessment that there are quite a bit of documents available related to our inquiry. Therefore, I suspect we’ll get a bulk distribution soon. As soon as we get something, we’ll pass it along.
I have had medical claims paid for Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water ailments under my Medicare Secondary Payer Case because of my Workers Compensation Claim. I want to see if it shows
up in FOIA information from them!
Did you get my correction to my July 24, 2015 post?
In case you did not, here it is again:
“I said earlier that I had Medical Bills paid(conditionally) by Meidcare because of my Workers Compensation Claim. I need to correct this information. They were paid based on my Federal Tort Claim(FTCA). I contacted the Jacksonville(Fla.) Office and learned that my Workers Compensation case has not been established because my supervisor at Camp Lejeune has to complete the second page of my CA-2 form! They have not done this though they promised to help in the Camp Lejeune Guidance Information”.