Full video recording of the CDC/ATSDR Camp Lejeune Community Assistance Panel Meeting held in Greensboro, NC on May 13, 2015. The video features the handling of ongoing action items, research and interagency policy and process discussions surrounding the handling of claims and health concerns for victims of decades of Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination.
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1950 – 1960 Chemical warfare material drums (TCDD) aka Agent orange; 2.4.2 Site 74 (Mess Hall Grease Disposal Area)Site 74 is located approximately one-half mile east of Holcomb Boulevard in the northeast section of MCB, Camp Lejeune just north of Henderson Pond. During the early 1950s through the early 1960s, grease from the mess hall was reportedly taken to the area and disposed in trenches. It was also reported that drums containing PCBs and “pesticide soaked bags” were taken to the site and buried. Chemical warfare materials (CWM), similar to the types documented at Site 69, also were reportedly taken to Site 74. Remedial Objectives The selected remedy for Site 74 includes deed restrictions that prohibit the development of the site,restrictions on the use of the groundwater as a potable supply, and long-term ground water monitoring. The decision to restrict development of the site is based on the potential presence of buried CWM near the former grease disposal area.
Hi Rodney, thanks for your posts on social and on the site regarding this information. Can you please provide specific documentation that verifies what you’ve posted? If it exists, we’d certainly like to see it. Thank you! – GS