Here’s the agenda for the latest CDC/ATSDR Camp Lejeune CAP Meeting. The meetings are held monthly by phone and quarterly in-person. The next in-person meeting will be held in January at the CDC in Atlanta. The event is streamed live on the ATSDR website. Check back for links ahead of the event.
1. Introduction (People in the room and on the Phone)
2. Cancer Incidence Study Update
3. Study Updates:
- Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study
- Male Breast Cancer Study
- Health Survey
4. Drinking Water Reevaluation and Soil Vapor Intrusion Update
Meeting Recap/Notes:
Cancer Incidence Study Update – “We are currently developing a draft of the protocols” Also, the group has contacted 13 state registries so far to find out what type of info and fees are involved to assess costs and efforts needed.
Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study – Will be submitted for peer review today. Advancing through the process as normal.
Male Breast Cancer Study – Finalizing today the list for peer review, but still in internal review process. CAP members want details on the chain of command, where the study will be going, who will be reviewing, timelines, etc. CAP member Jerry Ensminger asks if it has that cleared ATSDR/CDC internal review process? Answer: Protocol – approved | Manuscript submitted for internal peer review today.
Health Survey – Analyzing data, complete analysis and draft protocol/manuscript ready early next year
Water Reevaluation – Soil Vapor Intrusion Update – EPA files and search keywords being processed. Files received from NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources. Officials are combing through those to remove duplicate documents. Remaining documents to be added to the overall file index. CAP member Mike Partain requests copies of the non-dupes be made available to the CAP and also asks that group goes through documents carefully, looking for the content, attachments, references to ensure all information is included and not missing.
Drinking Water Reevaluation – Research group completed box models for laundry, mess halls, aquatic recreation and swimming pools – incorporating that information into the document as well. CAP member Mike Partain asks specifically about an EPA facilities assessment done Jan 9-13 1989. We have yet to find a complete copy of the document. It is important with the public health assessment – evaluations included of Hadnot fuel farm, etc. Needs to be formally requested from EPA. The EPA request has been made according to Rick Gillig, but the EPA is saying they “don’t have the document”. CAP member Jerry Ensminger comments that “the reason it is so important is that the Dept. of Navy tried hard to get Site 22 removed out of CERCLA and into RCRA. We know the EPA initially refused this and cited that there were “a mixture of chemicals” at the site.
“What’s really important with this doc it is going to identify these areas, contaminants and sampling that we may not have record of…it is a stone that does need to be overturned to do a thorough investigation of what is going on.” – Partain
Specifically, we need to find the 1989 RCRA Facilities Assessment – EPA claim that it is missing or lost is unacceptable.
Upcoming Items:
– Next In-Person CAP Meeting will be January 14-15th, 2015 at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta.
– Request during last CAP meeting for a meeting with Dr. Thomas Frieden, head of CDC. CAP will provide objectives, questions for Frieden. He may be able to join our CAP meeting for direct Q&A.
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