The following outlines the current stats and information regarding ongoing VA claims for Camp Lejeune water contamination. As highlighted in this document, the current approval rate by the VA for Camp Lejeune victim claims is a tiny 5%.
The converse, therefore, is also true.
Approximately 95% of all claims submitted to the VA for this issue are denied.
In addition, the typical language of “limited or suggestive evidence” and “conflicting scientific evidence” that once again surfaces from the VA. As we all know all too well, there is plenty of definitive scientific evidence that shows elevated risks for certain cancers and other health concerns as a result of exposure to Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination. Four studies in 2014 from the ATSDR reveal this in the military, spouses, children and civilian workers from the base. The results are neither “limited or suggestive”. All of those studies can be found here.
Also, when you see the VA use the phrase “conflicting scientific evidence”, they are most likely leaning on their favorite crutch – the 2009 NRC Report – an outdated and flawed report without the data we have today. Even though IARC and the EPA have classified several of the chemicals in the water at Camp Lejeune as “known carcinogens” with known corresponding health conditions when exposed to them, the VA still continues to act as if there is doubt.
Some of the highlights in the following document are notations from NC Senator Burr’s staff. They highlight the severity of the problem regarding VA handling of victims of Camp Lejeune Contamination.
View the document below or use the following button/link to download it for offline viewing.

Source Document for Stats above from VA available here:
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I served in the United States Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina from May of 1967 to some time in late 1968. In 1967 I was part of a group of Marines who were the aggressors for the Reservists that came there for two weeks of training. We lived in the field and made their lives miserable. We always drank the water on base and showered with it washed our mess kits in it also. as well as some of our clothing, most uniforms were cleaned and starched by companies that did that. While in the field training we had so many tick bites we had lumps on our necks from the bites which were infected and they gave us an antibiotic to treat it and kept us from doing these training exercises for a short time. I will be 67 years of age I still have sores on my scalp like I did back then.
I went back into the Marine Corps Reserves and we trained at 29th Palms California for three two week training missions from 1982 or 1983 to 1985 or 1986 when I left the reserves. and drank the water and showered in the water there that I heard was contaminated. WE were also at Parris Island and Camp Geiger. In 1973 my first daughter was born and she suffers from Migraines like me. Her daughter was born with juvenile Diabetes. I have two sons from a second marriage. My son was born in June of 1995 has a slight form of Ashbergers and his Brother born in 1997 has ADHD and I have PTSD along with concentration issues which they claim is ADD or ADHD. I have a file number that was issued to me from the VA Health Care Camp Lejeune Registry # 00657 in 2012. WI have a file I pulled up on my Healthy Vet that states on page 8 of 99 that Camp Lejeune -WILL NOT REIMBURS effective 06/ Aug 2012 Group name 186781 – Camp Lejeune. I filed on line in 2012.
I wonder if Ashburgers has been reported by some victims of this contamination or ADD or ADHD.
Can someone with some legal information can get back to me. I know a person who received 10 percent just for being at Camp Lejeune during his serve in the Marines.
I was stationed a Camp Lejeune from 1985-1987 were I was is school learning to purify this crap water, yes we drank it, and played in it all day long for 3 months not knowing it was contaminated. I now suffer from diabetes type 1, anemia, and ADHD and over a period of 20 years have lost all of my teeth in which I must wear dentures upper and lower. it sucks!!
They have reclassified the illnesses so it only covers some forms of Cancer. They can give a shit about us.