We found this fascinating article regarding research being conducted by the Mayo Clinic on cancer cells and their activities. Essentially, they believe they may have uncovered certain mechanisms that control the cellular growth of tumor cells in aggressive forms of cancer. While they stress this is not a magic bullet, it is certainly an intriguing step in moving towards isolating potential seeds of a future solution.
Nice work, Mayo.
Read more about what they’ve discovered here:
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I’m wondering is their some place I should be registering my husband?
Hi Barbara,
Did your husband serve in the military or was he a civilian employee through the Navy or DOD? Let me know and I can point you in the right direction.
Hello Gavin, thank you for all your support!. I often wonder if there is anything else we, the victims, can do to promote movement to those who, consciously, continue to do nothing, VA, D of D, USMC, summary, our government. Suggestions ? Thank you!