We’re happy to report that the ATSDR is moving ahead with several studies that will broaden our knowledge and give us insight into the full scope of contamination aboard Camp Lejeune from the ’50s to the ’80s. From health surveys to a full Cancer Incidence Study for Camp Lejeune, we believe these will lend a more definitive collection of scientific data and evidence of what happened.
One of these studies is a Soil Vapor Intrusion Study. In addition to simply ingesting contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, the volatile chemicals and carcinogens present in the water supply also converted into vapor that permeated the soils beneath many of the buildings on the base. Over time, this soil vapor would penetrate buildings and the air, causing the need for installation of ventilators and measurement devices. There were also several reports of building evacuations due to the levels of vapor intrusion buildup discovered.
Even more important, these chemicals in the vapor can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin at a potency 5x that of ingestion of water directly into a person’s system. Therefore, exposure to concentrated soil vapor can be even more hazardous than drinking the contaminated water on base itself. This is why a proper and detailed Soil Vapor Intrusion study, with complete and updated data, is crucial to understanding the intensity of ALL pathways of toxicity present at Camp Lejeune.
Recently, the ATSDR released a draft working plan for their upcoming study. We thought it would be helpful to share this document with you in order to understand what it is they are looking for and to educate readers on their potential exposure.
ATSDR’s work to develop the vapor intrusion PHA, further described below, includes four primary tasks:
- Search and extract information from site documents for historical data relevant to vapor intrusion and indoor air contaminants.
- Determine the specific contaminants and buildings that will be evaluated for vapor intrusion from building survey information and measured indoor air, soil gas, and groundwater sampling data .
- Estimate historic indoor air contaminant concentrations from groundwater contaminant data and vapor intrusion
- Evaluate public health implications of exposures to measured and estimated concentrations of indoor air contaminants from vapor intrusion.
Click here to read more regarding the basics of Soil Vapor Intrusion
Click to download the ATSDR Soil Vapor Intrusion Study Draft Work Plan for Camp Lejeune:
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1950 – 1960 Chemical warfare material drums (TCDD) aka Agent orange; 2.4.2 Site 74 (Mess Hall Grease Disposal Area)Site 74 is located approximately one-half mile east of Holcomb Boulevard in the northeast section of MCB, Camp Lejeune just north of Henderson Pond. During the early 1950s through the early 1960s, grease from the mess hall was reportedly taken to the area and disposed in trenches. It was also reported that drums containing PCBs and “pesticide soaked bags” were taken to the site andburied. Chemical warfare materials (CWM), similar to the types documented at Site 69, also were reportedly taken to Site 74. Remedial Objectives The selected remedy for Site 74 includes deed restrictions that prohibit the development of the site,restrictions on the use of the groundwater as a potable supply, and long-term ground water monitoring. The decision to restrict development of the site is based on the potential presence of buried CWM near the former grease disposal area.